
Elevage du verger

We have been breeding Labrador Retrievers for 25 years now. We are proud of our litters and all puppies are registered worthy offspring. We strive on our mandate "faithful dogs on a mission" throughout the breeding process. Our rural setting which offers 12 acres is ideal for the tasks at hand.

École Cynodo

École des métiers du chien - Institut vétérinaire de St-Hyacinthe

Magister Cyno-professionnel
Breeder and trainer Cyno-professionnel

Obtaining a Cyno-professional Magister at l’École professionnelle des métiers du chien Cynodo.  Their  mission is to improve the human / dog bond.  Their teaching is unique and allows to understand the dog in its physical and instinctual dimensions.

Fondation Mira


My first experience with this breed was through a coordinated effort with the MIRA Foundation and a shelter for women and children who were victims of violence.  A collaborative effort was succesful.  Thanks to the knowledge and  guidance of Mr. Noël Champagne, psychologist within the Foundation and Mr. Eric St-Pierre, fondeur of Fondation Mira.

Puppy selection :
“Dogs faithful to their mission”

This represents the motto of our breeding, which applies to our dogs at an early age. Starting at just 4 weeks, puppies already start to demostrate personality traits and certain behaviour. This is a fundamental process which enables us to pair off the right puppy with the future owner.

During my career as a breeder of Labrador Retrievers and Professional dog Trainer, I had the opportunity and the privilege to pair many puppies for specific purposes and according to people’s needs. Here are a few examples:

Three puppies were trained to become detecting dogs for the Canada Border Services Agency;

One of my pups is presently living with an Canadian Armed Forces Veteran, with Traumatic Stress Disorder;

Other puppies have been carefully selected and evaluated and become Service dogs in Zootherapy;

Another one of my pups lives with a young blind boy dealing with Autism;

Serveral of our selected puppies underwent training and are currently living with people diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety Disorders;

Two young adults suffering from Progressive Vision Loss, brought home one of my pups as a Companion, to help them live with their illness.

Canada Border Services Agency

Within our litters, some puppies have been selected as potential candidates to work at Canada Border Services Agency


October 2012
Correctional Services Vancouver


Fall 2014
Gagnante du Championnat Canadien pour la détection de la drogue de l’Association Canadienne de la police canine et nommée Vedette du « Border Security Show » organisé par l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada


February 2016
Correctional Services Vancouver